
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easter Egg Trees

OK, I'll admit it, I'm a little crafty at times and love just wandering around Michael's to dream a little. I stopped in after the girls got out of school one day and thought-HMMM what can I do with all this plastic grass at home? I wanted to do an Easter craft with the kiddies and happened upon some styrofoam cones and cute little butterflies, pink baby chicks and sparkly eggs. The girls picked out items for their tree and ribbon to match as did I. When we got home we heated up the glue gun and off we go..... with grass all over! the hardest part was attaching the grass with hot glue, ouch! Be careful if you try this at home and don't let the kids touch during this part! Have fun making your own Easter tree. The possibilities are endless!

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