
Friday, March 4, 2011

Ready for Spring?

Katie last year turning 3!
Cold, Hot, Mild, Warm. I wish the weather would make up its mind sometimes. I could really get into this spring thing! There are 4 birthdays coming up this month for my family including mine, my Katie, my mother and father. I really do love this month and the fact my birthday is the day before St. Patty's day too! Everyone loves a celebration! I plan on heading to Camp Harrison with some women from the Y in a few weeks for some R&R and fun. Can't wait to share the pics!
Every morning on the way to school, I love looking at the beauty God created around me. There is one particular tree, a hot pink tulip tree that Katie pointed out one day and said "wow, look at that!" I mean, it was like the burning bush of pink! Coming from the eyes of a child made me think about how the little things often go unnoticed. Today, and everyday, I try to stop and look at my surroundings and praise God for the little things and especially Springtime, where everything is made new again!

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